Causes Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Or GAD

Right now, experts aren’t completely sure about what causes generalized anxiety disorder. The current research points toward a possible combination of biological factors and environmental factors that may contribute to anxiety disorders such as GAD. 

While the exact cause of GAD isn’t known, certain factors may increase your risk of developing a generalized anxiety disorder. These include:

  • Being female. Women are twice as likely to be affected by generalized anxiety disorder as men. In fact, many anxiety disorders appear to be more prevalent in women than in men, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. You can even cure anxiety by knowing exactly the reasons via

  • Stressful or traumatic experiences. Going through a traumatic or negative experience, or dealing with significant life changes, may increase your risk of developing a generalized anxiety disorder.

  • Personality traits. Some personality traits (such as a negative temperament or general avoidance of risk), as well as things like race, traumatic life experiences, family environments, and gender, may be correlated with generalized anxiety disorder. However, it’s worth noting that this is a symptom of all anxiety disorders; not just GAD.

  • Family history of anxiety disorders. A generalized anxiety disorder may have a genetic component, causing it to run in families.

  • History of chronic physical or mental health disorders. Other chronic illnesses, such as physical illnesses and mental health disorders, may also be linked to an elevated risk of developing a generalized anxiety disorder.