Programmers For Gang And Flash For Stm32

  • A powerful and flexible In-Circuit flash and Gang Programmer that works with ARM and other MCUs. The GangPro-ARM software is supported by a complete suite of software that allows it to be expandable at 64 adapters as well as 384 targets all operating from a single computer. 

Each adapter can be independently customized as well as each target can be serialized on its own with an individual calibration, MAC address, or any other information. The GangPro-ARM is able to be integrated into any production setup.

You can also search online to find the best flash programmers for STMicroelectronics distributor, STMicroelectronics STM32, BlueNRG, and STM8 MCUs, and STM32MP1 MPUs

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The Key Features:

  • Built-in Galvanic Isolation
  • Six targets per adapter
  • The solution can be scaled up to 64 adapters and 384 targets.
  • The adapter will provide power to all targets.
  • The current measurement is down to 50nA (X2S) or 20 milliamps (XS)
  • JTAG SWD (STM32) as well as SWIM (STM8) protocols
  • CMSIS-DAP 2.0 debugger

GangPro-ARM (XS)

With the XStreamPro -Iso (X2S) adapter, additional options are available:

  • Ethernet connectivity
  • The standalone mode that allows for single target programming


Secure Gang Programmer to STM32 MPUs as well as MCUs

Fast and Secure Fast and secure, the GangFlasher is specifically designed for the powerful STM32MPU family. The GangFlasher can be able to flash as many as eight targets at once via USB. The STM32MP1 software is able to reach speeds of downloads of 40 MB/s for each target.