Checkout The Top Misconceptions About Plastic Surgery

The most frequent misconceptions regarding plastic surgery are addressed in the context of Life Stage Personal Enhancement.

1. Women should not undergo plastic surgery till they're at least 60: Waiting before a female is post-menopausal can radically – and negatively – alter the essence of the surgical outcome. It is very important to find a good facial plastic surgery process for you.

The elderly patient also frequently winds up using an"overdone" appearance where the skin has to be pulled exceptionally tight so as to attain shape improvements that might have been easily preserved if the process was done at a younger age. Undertaking less-drastic procedures pre-menopause enables results to be kept and, in most conditions, to seem more natural and consistent with a woman's general look.

Plastic Surgery: Quality of Life and Vanity

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2. Cosmetic surgery is just for the wealthy: Statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgery reveal that the great majority of patients undergoing plastic surgery are middle-class patients using their own disposable earnings. In reality, the median earnings for individuals that undergo plastic surgery are roughly $80,000. 

3. Cosmetic surgery is just for girls: Men now represent 15 percent of their entire amount of individuals undergoing cosmetic surgery, a number that's been steadily growing over the last ten years. It is not surprising: Guys should look their very best in a competitive job market. 

4. Cosmetic surgery is simply for the Fact: Lots of patient satisfaction surveys and quality of life outcome research have proven that patients appreciate real improvements in body image and larger satisfaction with the standing in life following cosmetic surgery. It is a cliché, but I frequently say that plastic surgery does not add years to your life, but it might add life to your years.