How To Properly Use A Dog Leash For Safe Walks In Dubai

Taking your dog for a walk can be an enjoyable experience for both you and your pup. However, it is important to ensure that your walks are safe and that you are using the proper equipment. One piece of equipment that is essential for safe walks is a leash. To buy the best dog leash for your pet, you can also click over

 Knowing how to properly use a dog leash will help keep your pet and others safe while enjoying the outdoors. 


1. Choose the Right Leash: It is important to select the right leash for your pet. For larger dogs, a thicker, more durable leash is best. For smaller dogs, a thinner, lightweight leash may be more suitable. 

2. Attach the Leash to the Collar: Make sure that the leash is securely fastened to the collar. This will ensure that it will not come undone during your walk. 

3. Start Slow: Begin the walk at a slow pace to allow your pup to get used to the leash. Avoid jerking or tugging on the leash as this can cause discomfort for the dog. 

4. Make Adjustments As Needed: Once the dog is comfortable, you can adjust the length of the leash as needed. If the leash is too long, it can be difficult to control your pup. If the leash is too short, it can be uncomfortable for the dog. 

5. Stay Close: It is important to stay close to your pup during walks. This will help keep them safe and ensure that they do not wander off.