How To Choose The Right Insulation For Your Attic

It’s no secret that attics can be a major source of noise in a home. Not only do they house all of our clothes and other belongings, but they’re also often located near the foundation of a building, which makes them susceptible to tremors and other noise-related issues. There are many factors to consider when selecting insulation for your attic, including the climate where you live, the size and shape of your attic, and the type of insulation. You can also hire an expert right insulation company like Greenattic.

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  • Climate: The climate where you live is one of the most important factors to consider when selecting insulation for your attic. In temperate climates, it's important to use a layer of thermal insulation between the ceiling and roof decking in order to keep the attic warm in winter and cool in summer.
  • Size & Shape: The size and shape of your attic also play a role in choosing insulation. If you have a small attic, you may not need as much insulation as if you have a large attic. It's also important to consider how much thermal bridging (the space between two different materials) exists in your attic; if there is a lot of thermal bridging, then less-insulated material will be needed.
  • Type Of Insulation: There are many types of insulation available on the market today. The most common types are fiberglass batts and cellulose fiberglass batt panels. Both options have their pros and cons; fiberglass batt panels tend to be more expensive but last longer than batts made with cellulose fiberglass.